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What is Processing?

Processing is a software sketchbook and language for learning and creating code for visual effects.
Programming Tutorial
During tutorial, the basics of programming was introduced. such void setup() would indicate a function which would run once, this would display and create the environment on screen. While void draw() is a function which would continuously run the set of codes inside this block.

These examples where now put into practice creating the first programmed animation, the notes displays the different things that was introduced and being implemented in processing.
The codes applied to processing would create an rectangular block moving from one side of the screen to other side.
continuing to experiment, I had added created another rectangle which had followed the mouse. The code implemented successfully is the rect(mouseX,mouseY,20,20).

However what I also intended to do is to leave a delay between the mouse and the moving rectangle, creating a code which would indicate the rectangle to move when the mouse is at a certain distance and thereby following closer to the mouse.
the notes display that I am trying to find the difference of the mouse and the block and then adding this to the block, while also dividing this by 2, to stop this getting any closer to the mouse.

the equation below shows the finding of the difference of the position of x and y.

Bx + difx/2

this equations shows adding the X difference to the block and then dividing the distance by 2. this is then also applied to Y.
The notes here display ideas to create a mathematical system which would create a lagging effect of the block moving closer to the mouse.
In the second tutorial, new tools where taught on processing. As noted, Pvector was being put into practice. This would group x,y and z into one value.

the codes noted is was created to replicate the animation of the first draft of a block following the mouse.
using the codes from the other testings, other tools have been added, such as mouseClicked and mouseWheel. By creating a set of colors (random) in float, I had managed to set up when the mouse wheel is turned the colors of the circles would change, while clicking the mouse would change the background color.
App Furnace

The examples page had allowed me to use techniques which I had applied to my final piece on processing
Creating and Experimenting
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