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App Furnace
Circles and props—making unknown technology
Volume 19, Number 3 (2012), Pages 60-65

This had been the most interesting read out of all the other articles. This revolves around the concept of creating without planning or even having a purpose of what you are trying to make, my thoughts are that this is very impractical and not very useful if you are trying to create something which can be applied in a business sense, however the fact of working with children is a fun positive way of stimulating people to not be afraid of creating things and not being afraid of what the outcome might be.
Annotated Portfolios
Interactions Magazine: ACM press 2012
Bill Gaver
goldsmiths, University of London | w.gaver@gold.ac.uk
John Bowers
goldsmiths, University of London | john.m.bowers@gmail.com


Gaver, B., & Bowers, J. (2012). Annotated portfolios. Interactions, 19(4), 40. doi:10.1145/2212877.2212889

The read was interesting, however, I felt while reading this that nothing was particularly interesting that I could learn from. It is not very significant or enlightening in anyway, however this does have an interesting concept of having a team working for along period of time alongside their audience/customer. This would be important in creating useful products that people would use in the world.
Taking Our Sweet Time to Search
Marian Dörk
Culture Lab
Newcastle University marian.doerk@ncl.ac.uk
Peter Bennett
Bristol Interaction & Graphics University of Bristol peter.bennett@bris.ac.uk
Rosamund Davies
Communications & Creative Arts, University of Greenwich r.davies@greenwich.ac.uk

Dörk, M., Bennett, P., & Davies, R. (2013). Taking our sweet time to search. … CHI 2013 Workshop on Changing Perspectives of Time …. Retrieved from http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&btnG=Search&q=intitle:Taking+Our+Sweet+Time+to+Search#1

The concept of this article is something which everyone can agree upon. However this only looks at one aspect of method of research. This emphasizes on taking a longer time to research, to help better understanding and develop better quality material. However this is somewhat the opposite of the first article "Circles and props—making unknown technology". This method of "slow" search may not always be effective since techniques from the first article can be effective for some people.
Overcoming Procrastination with ReMind
Laschke, M., Hassenzahl, M., & Brechmann, J. (2013). Overcoming Procrastination with ReMind. Proc. DPPI 2013, 77–85. doi:10.1145/2513506.2513515
This article is very anecdotal of a concept that prevents procrastination. Its a somewhat interesting read however my opinions is that this may not be very effective in many aspects. It focuses generally on specific type of people who would enjoy having this.
New Media, New Craft ?
Haque, U. (2007). Distinguishing concepts: Lexicons of interactive art and architecture. Architectural Design, 77(4), 24–31. doi:10.1002/ad.484
This article explains the use of computer programming and how this is a new form of craft, which in terms of design this is completely understandable. programming is a form of craft, however I had disagreements of believing that this is the only form of craft, and may not be a craft of the future at all.
Distinguishing Concepts Lexicons of Interactive Art and Architecture
Richardson, A. (1998). New Media , New Craft ? Electronic Art and Animation Calalogue, 157–159.
This article is probably the most difficult to understand out of the other articles. What I had grasped is that design and art can be interactive in the environment and how this can impact users. However it was too difficult to understand how this is important or why this certain concept is anyway useful. However on the other hand, having interactive art may open doors and concepts to something which is groundbreaking to people and how the interact with the environment.
What is this?
This is a list of articles discussed in tutorials, evaluating the concepts of each article, and understanding if and why this is useful in anyway. The list below describes my opinions on each article.